Description: Trigger the single ladies!
Description: Read Sowell's "Basic Economics" to find out why capitalism just works!
Description: Curb Your Anticapitalism
Description: Our favorite economists in one shirt!
Description: Text only
Description: Text onlyT
Description: The most important question of all!
Description: The most important question!
Description: Sowell scribble drawing
Description: Eric Hoffer
Description: Victor Davis Hanson, the one and only
Description: Another great Dalrymple maxim!
Description: Theodore Dalrymple is the Thomas Sowell of Great Britain. Read "Life at the Bottom" to learn why!
Description: Psychedelic Sowell with light colored lettering
Description: Psychedelic vibes on an older Sowell theme
Description: Sowell looking to the future
Description: Postage Stamp Design
Description: Younger Sowell
Description: A younger Thomas Sowell looking very intense!
Description: Another great conversation starter!
Description: Great conversation starter at the next BBQ
Description: Great conversation starter!
Description: Wear this shirt and get ready for people to ask you "Who is that?" Just be prepared to answer!